Gathering, using, and sharing data is critical to program improvement, accountability, and sustainability.
Current Strategies
Early Literacy
A report documenting the indicators of high-quality OST literacy programming, the characteristics of Philadelphia’s programs, and the extent to which the local programs align with the indicators, was published in July 2017. It provides a basis for implementing and scaling high-quality OST literacy programs in the City. See all completed reports in the Research & Analysis section.
Defining Quality:
One of the long-range goals of the citywide OST plan is to have the city’s OST network agree on the tenets of quality for OST in Philadelphia. To reach this goal, understanding the current state of how quality is defined and measured will help guide the next steps. This examination of quality also includes information about how networks define quality in terms of staff and their training. The resulting report, “Scanning the System” was completed in July 2017.
Data for Continuous Improvement:
Develop an assessment of current data systems used within the OST network to agree on long-term data goals, and to understand existing challenges and needs to see what system or systems are needed to track program/youth outcomes. One of our first steps was to engage interested OST stakeholders to help refine a new RFP for an OST data system that can help us reach some of our long-term goals. As a result of this process the Citywide OST Initiative is working with Cityspan.